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A Broken Throne Wiki

The Devourers of Irithon were the Xth Space Marine Legion raised by the Emperor of Mankind on Terra at the dawn of the Great Crusade in the 30th Millennium. Initially known as the 'Flesh Reapers', after the Emperor discovered Primarch Aladren on the world of Irithon, he gave his son command of the Xth Legion. Aladren promptly renamed the Legion the 'Devourers of Irithon'.

Legion History[]

The Emperor of Mankind sought to unite all of humanity under one banner following the Long Night of the Age of Strife, and end inter-human conflict. Once united, the Emperor intended to begin the next stage of His great plan to ensure human domination of the Milky Way Galaxy, which He judged to be necessary if humanity was to survive the never-ceasing threats to its existence embodied by Chaos, myriad xenos races and its own fragile human nature. In time, when the Emperor's eye first began to fall beyond Terra, He began to raise new armies to fight His Great Crusade. He drew these new troops in part from the forces that had already unified Terra during the Unification Wars of the late 30th Millennium. To carry out the Great Crusade and reunite all the scattered colony worlds of Mankind beneath the single banner of the Imperium of Man, the Emperor created the genetically-enhanced superhuman warriors known as the Space Marine Legions. These forces would serve as the speartip of His Great Crusade. Bringing the light of Imperial Truth and enforcing Imperial Compliance with the new regime on every human world encountered.

Reapers of Flesh[]

The origins of the Flesh Reapers can be found during the Unification Wars. The base human stock for the majority of the first Space Marine Legions to be raised came from Terra. During the Unification Wars the Xth Legion's first recorded engagement was during the brutal campaign against the Croiden Empire, made up of mutants and xenos alike. They served as a spearhead of shock troops, mounting direct annihilation assaults on enemy forces, both in open battle and fortified positions, and able to carry the attack despite their then relatively small numbers by sheer courage and the fury of the violence they could unleash. Harboring a dark shame of a sinful craving for consuming the flesh of their enemies,

Suffering from a hyperactive Omophagea, it gave them this sinful craving for consuming their enemies. Giving the Flesh Reapers a great many secrets from their enemies, they lacked the discipline and patience to learn from them. Due to this carnal and savage nature of this legion, many of the fellow legions refused to fight along side them. As their dark reputation of the hunger of flesh become more widely known, the Flesh Reapers withdrew more inward and recluse to avoid the judging eyes of their fellow kin.

To try to curb this savagery, the Flesh Reapers were sent into devastating conflicts in the hopes that it could calm them. Shortly after the first engagement of the Croiden Empire campaign, the warp storms engulfed the system and contact with the Xth Legion was lots. Years later, they re-emerged a hollow shell of what they once were, cold and devastated. The few remaining chapters were hidden away from the rest of the legions. Locked away for the monsters they had become and the beasts they had destroyed. A ray of hope broke through there isolation, the Primarch of the Xth Legion had been discovered. Aladran Limos would show them that their curse was in fact a blessing.

The Primarch of Iron[]

Reunited with their lost liege, they were welcomed with a warm but stern embrace. Aladran saw the same savages who once worshipped them but, he did not hate them for what they were. Aladran knew his sons could be reformed and reshaped into icons that the Imperium needed them to be. Though it took many years for the Terrans to adapt, the vast intake of native Irithons quickly swelled the legion with those already well taught in the primarch's teachings and beliefs. They would seek old, lost and forgotten world and guide them in the Imperial Truth, through tutor and by example they would rid them of their ignorance and turn each world into a might vessel for humanity.

Once feared, they became beacons of the Imperium, their ability to consume their enemies and see their memories gave them a unique insight into their enemy’s motives and tactics, letting them quickly adapt with certainty. Originally a heavy assault force this refinement of their gift had made them defensive specialists.

The Devourers would never become a beloved legion during the Great Crusade as the legion was surrounded by dark rumours. Their need to educate was fanatical and those worlds who refused faced the bloodied fangs of the legion. Worlds who did embrace their teachings often became prosperous and well integrated into the wider Imperium. Throughout the Great Crusade though, the legion found itself clashing with others who did not share the same views. Many worlds were left primitive, be it for easy recruitment or to abuse it's resources. It became more apparent that the Imperium cared more for its overall prosperity than the worlds that were granted to become a part of it.

Notable Campaigns[]

Legion Organisation & Structure[]

Legion Command Hierarchy[]

Specialist Formations[]

  • Moon Maws - The personal tribe of the primarch himself, the Moons Maws were the largest and most dominant tribe. They once worshipped the primarch as the moon god made manifest and did what they could to appease their lord. Though lacking a defining tactic, many of the legions elite find their home within this tribe thanks to the primarchs direct guidance and teachings.
  • Ravenous Suns - Specialists in cleansing of worlds, bring forth the judgement of the sun, burning away the darkness and any the moon deemed weak.
  • Iron Wardens - Specialists in armoured warfare, the Iron Wardens worshipped and protected the Iron Crown, a colossal archeotech fortress that was said to be the resting place of eight slumbering gods and if they awoke, would realise their metallic swarm onto the world.
  • Cavern Stalkers - Unlike other tribes, they feared the brutal celestial gods, instead they dwelled below the surface. Because of this, a great deal of their armour and symbols differ from the rest of the legion. This talent to hide and explore has made them specialists in reconnaissance and ambush tactics.

War Disposition[]

Legion Wargear[]

Legion Vehicles[]

Legion Combat Doctrine[]

Though the Devourers have a focus in close combat engagements that comes from there need to consume flesh to learn from their enemies. Outside of that fact they experts in counter attack operations and flexible methods of war, making use of their gift to quickly adapt their tactics against what they learn.

Like a great maw, the legionaries will surge forward seeking to engulf enemy positions and allowing them to be broken apart. During this time they will take up defensive positions and allow for selected legionaries to consume the captured enemies and process their knowledge. The legion will repeat this process until the core tactics and schemes of the enemies are learnt.

From there the legion will quickly shift its tactics, the legions commanders and priests coordinating their forces to counter the discovered tactics. Though slower method of war it ensures victory for the legion and allows for the final attacks to quickly devastate their enemies.

Rites of War[]

Legion Beliefs[]

Legion Gene-Seed[]

Notable Devourers[]

Legion Fleet[]

Legion Relics[]

Legion Appearance[]

Legion Colours[]

Legion Badge[]




Notable Quotes[]

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By the Devourers of Irithon[]

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About the Devourers of Irithon[]


Devourers of Irithon
Characters Primarch and Legion Masters Aladren Limos
Praetors and Centurions TBC
Consuls TBC
Unique Elements Units TBC
Wargear TBC
Vehicles TBC
Domains Irithon